A short history of Kampo medicine in modern medicine - To live happily and healthily

(著) 山本昌弘



[Comment from publisher]
There is a tendency in medicine to emphasize Western rationality and downplay Eastern medicine as irrational (unscientific). I think you will find that it is very reasonable. This book is a must-read not only for medical professionals, but also for those who are skeptical of Kampo medicine.

[Author's Profile]
Masahiro Yamamoto

Born in Wakayama City
Graduated from Osaka University School of Medicine
After working at the Third Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine (Osaka University)
Former Assistant Professor, Second Department of Internal Medicine, Chiba University School of Medicine
Former Director and Honorary Director of Nippon Life Saiseikai Nippon Seimei Hospital
Former Vice President of Osaka City Nishi Ward Medical Association
Director, Center for Treatment of Unwellness, Medical Corporation Iseikai Iseikai Hospital, Outpatient Clinic for Chinese Medicine
Former Director of Internal Medicine and Kampo Outpatient Clinic at Chuma Medical Foundation Chuma Hospital, and current Director of Medical Corporation Kashinkai Nakamura Clinic
Board Certification in Internal Medicine, Board Certification in Endocrinology and Metabolism, Board Certification in Pre-Morbid Medicine
Honorary member and former board member of the Japanese Society of Natural Medicine, and a meritorious councilor of the Japan Endocrine Society
Awarded by the Japanese Society of Natural Medicine


