Where Are We? "Habitable Zone": Learning About "Space" for the General Public (English Edition)

(著) 田中五雄



[About the product]
The more we learn, the more mysteries the universe holds.
Space. Humans have been fascinated by its mysteries since ancient times. From mythological stories to cutting-edge cosmology, it is filled with the history and thought of humanity. And our humble daily lives are merely fragments of this romantic universe - Earth, the solar system, galaxies, the Big Bang, the evolution of life, and the habitable zone, a space essay that talks freely about things that are usually outside of our thoughts.


[Comments from the Editor]
Everyone is attracted to the beauty of the stars and planets shining in the clear night sky, but while reading this book, I thought to myself that if human beings were not interested in that beauty more than anything else, science may not have progressed as much as it has. Please enjoy this book as you forget about your small everyday life and think about the vastness of the universe.

[Author Profile]
Itsuo Tanaka

Born in 1937 in Hofu City, Yamaguchi Prefecture.
After graduating from Osaka Institute of Technology, worked for a Toyota-affiliated company. Later retired at the mandatory age.
Currently resides in Toyota City.

Published Works:

"Collection of Hobbies after Retirement: Enjoying Colors, Shapes, and Patterns"
"European Drive: 8000km, What I Saw and Felt"
"American West Coast Drive: 3500km, What I Saw and Felt"
"Travelogue of Overseas Drives, Memories: Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Portugal"
"As I Please: Daily Life After Retirement"
"Domestic Drives From North to South: From Memories in Photographs"
"Quotations for Those Lost in Life" (Shinpusha)
"Words for You with a Young Leaf Mark of Life" (Chikurinkan)
"30 Days Around the World: Travelogue" Subtitle: "Contact"
"Go and Travel" (Traveling to Go Clubs Nationwide)
"EU/Central Europe Drive Travelogue" Subtitle: "Borders"
"In the Cold, Journey from Russia, Khabarovsk, to China, Beijing"
"Around Germany: Train Journey" Solo Journey at Age 75: Photos and Text
"Habitable Zone" Learning About "Space" for Ordinary People
